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Zaanse Schans and the Windmills

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Our plan is to use the Zaanse Schans Card on April 18th for the attractions listed below that require an admission fee.  However, if you visit any of the following attractions between April 12th and April 16th, the Iamsterdam City Card will work.  

Zaan Time Museum
Zaans Museum including Czaar Peterhuisje + Coopery + Weaver’s House 
Mill Museum including windmills The Colourful Hen/The Cat/The School Teacher/The Young Sheep


Across the River from Zaanse Schans


Touring Zaanse Schans

Benefits of the Zaanse Schans Card - €23.50


Free admission to the following:

Zaans Museum and the Verkade Chocolate and Biscuit Factory

The World of Windmills

The sawmill Het Jonge Schaap

The paintmill De Kat

The Weaver’s House and Cooperage

The Zaan Time Museum


10% discount at restaurant De Kraai (minimum spend €10).


The list of attractions below are grouped by location. 

The first group are the windmills and Windmill Museum which are on Kalverringdijk along the side of the river and north of Zaanse Schans.


The next group are shops that on the west side of Zaanse schans on or near Kalverringdijk.  This group includes the Bakery Museum and the Cooperage.  They are located in between this group and the Zaan Museum group.


The last group is near the Zaan Museum and the square west of it.



The hours are 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.​


The hours are 9:30 am to 4:30 pm.​


This is an operating sawmill that derives the majority of its income from lumber.


The hours are 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.  I'm seeing conflicting info on the days that this is open.  I saw Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, but when I tried to make a reservation, it let me pick any day.  I saw other shops that were only open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday during the lowe season.  We'll have to check when we get closer to April.​


Kalverringdijk 25 (Calf ring dike)

Might be an interesting stop on your walk to the and from the windmills.


Kalverringdijk 5 (Calf ring dike)

The only hours I could find were 10:00 am to 4:30 pm in November.​

zaanse schans time museum.jpg

Kalverringdijk 3 (Calf ring dike).


Open every day from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The Zaanse Schans Card and the Iamsterdam City Card works for museum admission.


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Zeilenmakerspad 4 (Sailmakers' path)

I couldn't find hours or admission fee.  It appears to be as much a store as a museum, so I'm guessing there's no admission charge.​


A workshop that's open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.  The Zaanse Schans Card provide free admission.


De Kwakels 2 (The Quacks)

  It's to the east of the Wooden Shoe Shop.  Stands by itself.

Not sure you can get a magnet and a wooden barrel shop.


It appears that the information desk is in the museum.  That opens at 9:00 am.  Might be a good place to start.  There's not much else open at 9:00 am.

The Zaanse Schans Card and the Iamsterdam City Card works for museum admission.



The De Kraai restaurant is on Kraaienpad 1 at the southwest corner of the Zaan Museum parking lot. 

There's a 10% discount with the Zaanse Schans Card.


De Kraai Restaurant Menu

Looks like they have a great selection of pancakes and seating by the canal.


A museum, a workshop, and a store that's open from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm.  There doens't seem to be an admission charge.  


Kraaienest 4 (Crow's nest).  It's to the east of the Zaan Museum in the square area.

Ever try on wooden shoes?  Now's your chance.  That's a guess.  If you're going to buy them, you should get to try them on.


Open from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.  The Zaanse Schans Card provide free admission.


Zeilenmakerspad 8 (Sailmakers' path)

It's at the northwest corner of the shops in the Zaanse Schans square.

Learn about sail making.

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